Thursday, May 8, 2014

Having a bit of a problem.

There are many reasons a horse is moving its head away from you, or is unresponsive. It is very important to determine what are the reasons. Your horse could be in pain or not comfortable with their bit/bridle. Make sure you never tie your horse's head into place so it cannot escape pain or discomfort. This will not solve your problem; it will only make it worse!

The first thing I recommend is check your horse’s mouth and see if there are any signs of problems, dental wise. Maybe you don’t notice anything, but to be sure, it’s a great idea to go see an equine dentist. If it appears there are no medical issues, then check and see if the equipment you are using is bothering your horse. Does the bit fit correctly? Is it pinching from being too loose or too much of a mouthful? Check to see if the curb strap isn’t too loose, this could make it rotate in the mouth and could cause pain.

There are many different bits and there are many different horses. Finding the right bit can be stressful. Every horse is different. One may like a bit, but the other may not. You just need to find the right one. A thick snaffle bit is generally easy on the mouth, but again every horse is different with each bit. Before giving your horse any bit you must teach them submission. A great idea is to let your horse wear the bit and bridle in the stall to get use to it regularly.

Alright, you now know some of the reasons why they don’t like the bit, but there still are other reasons. Maybe there are insects out that day and they are bugging your horse. Some horses toss their heads with panic from being bitten around their ears by insects. Consider using a fly mask or insect repellent. We have a large range of insect repellent and different colored  fly masks.

Other reasons that may cause your horse in pain is saddle fit, mishandling the reins, or just trying to solve the problem incorrectly. It is always important to listen to your horse. Tossing its head means it is trying to tell you something, so try to watch and see what could be the problem.

 I would like to stress that I am not a doctor or a personal trainer and I do not promote any advice as a professional, this is just friendly advice I have come across and use this for my own needs. Feel free to take this as something new to look at.